Saturday, July 27, 2019

Gender problem Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Gender problem - Coursework Example All these emanate from the fact that the boys believe that they exist in a boy world that expects them to be tough, aggressive, stern and even defiant. In terms of historical background, masculinity crisis in the boys in the educational setting has had a long record. Since time immemorial, lots of men have continually continued to suffer the wrath of living up to their societal constructed masculinity. The same masculinity has been expressed in the educational setting where the boys are expected to be tough and not show any form of passiveness. The boys, therefore, become aggressive and chose not to adhere to the school’s regulations. In the end, the boys do not perform as expected of them. Jones and Myhill (2004a) indicate that for a long time, the boys have been associated with misbehavior that leads to their underachievement in education. This stereotype has continued to discriminate the boys in the classroom setting; thus, placing them at a lower bar than the girls as far as education matters are concerned. The crisis of masculinity instilled in these boys continues to derail their abilities to act normally. They act as per the requirements of the society and their peers. Boys will then continue to be troubled and the girls hopeful (Jones & Myhill, 2004b).The gender gap; as a result, keeps widening. In the present day society the crisis of masculinity in the education setting is also evident. As seen in the research conducted by Whitmire &Â  Bailey (2010), the performance of the boys has greatly been hampered by the construction of masculinity that has led to the school environment being too harsh for them. The boys then find it difficult to live up to the expectations of the school authorities. So as to reverse the situation, Gibson & Martinez’s (2003) work relates to recommendation that the boys may be taught that they can use their masculinity to compete with the girls

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